Join the race to give the world a greener and healthier future

Our mission is to make the future greener and healthier for us all, through fully transparent and traceable impact by setting a new tungsten benchmark for both voluntary and compliance based environmental credits.

We don't believe anyone can do whats needed alone, thats why we have a collective approach and this is also why we have a cooperative business model.

Together we can help the nature heal itself. 

BA Woll, Founder

Our Collaborating Partners

We are proud to have these partners onboard and welcome even more.

We Are Bold Action Takers. We are Changing the game

At EcoSpera, we don't just talk about change—we make it happen. As bold action takers, we are revolutionizing the way we approach environmental challenges and community development. Through innovative nature-based solutions, we are transforming landscapes, uplifting farmers, and driving sustainable growth. We’re not just changing the game; we’re setting a new standard for what’s possible. Join us in creating impactful change that benefits both people and the planet.

packages financed
0 +
heactars of land to be developed
0 + million
funding raised for pilots
0 + million €
tCO2e to be removed
0 + million
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Our Key Priorities

Our focus is to help nature heal itself. And to have the trust to deliver impact with the highest integrity we need to be fully transparent - an we will. That's why we already from the start will be environmental positive and also do full ESG reporting according to CSRD / CSDD from the start.

Join the Renaissance for nature

On April 15th 2024 we kicked off our first proof of concept project at Villa Petriolo , just a few kilometers away from the cradle of the renaissance and also from the birthplace of Leonardo da Vinci. This is a reforestration project in Kenya and Uganda. Under you find the first projects we are developing. 

€ 100.000.000 Goal

Reforestration in kenya & Uganda

Our first funded project is an ambitious reforestation initiative in collaboration with Trees4CO2 and Better Globe Forestry in Kenya and Uganda. Spanning 5,000 hectares of dryland, this pilot project is set to transform the lives of over 2,000 smallholder farmers, their families, and entire communities. By revitalizing the land and planting new hope, we aim to showcase how reforestation can restore ecosystems, sequester carbon, and ignite economic opportunity. This project isn’t just about planting trees—it’s about planting the seeds for a brighter, sustainable future for the people and the planet.

€ 5.001.850 Raised
€ 25.000.000 Goal - Raise start 16.09.24

Seaweed in Northern Norway

In northern Norway, around the Senja island, a pioneering large-scale seaweed pilot project is underway, aiming to demonstrate the environmental benefits of industrializing seaweed as a nature-based solution. This initiative seeks to showcase how sustainable seaweed cultivation can contribute to carbon sequestration, nutrient removal, and biodiversity enhancement, while supporting a circular economy and mitigating climate change impacts.

€ 0 Raised
€ 15.000.000 Goal - Raise start 26.09.24

Regeneative Agriculture In Italy

The third pilot is a groundbreaking regenerative agriculture project in Tuscany, Italy, where we will harness the power of nature through biostimulants derived from seaweed and probiotics. This initiative aims to revolutionize Italian agriculture by integrating natural plant nutrients to enhance the growth of wine grapes, olive groves, and other crops emblematic of Tuscany's rich landscape. By focusing on sustainable practices and environmental stewardship, we aspire to reshape the future of Italian agriculture, cultivating not just the finest produce but also a healthier, more resilient ecosystem that showcases the best nature can offer in environmentally friendly and natural foods.

€ 0 Raised

Love Nature, Save Nature, And Stay Close To Nature

We belive in nature and it's ability to restore itself. But we have come to a point in history where nature seems to need some help to be able to restore faster. That is what we aim to do, through the highest possible quality and integrity environmental credits. With a unique venture cooperative model we are removing middlemen and increase action to the most possible for each euro.

Meet Our Founders

Our founder total more than 300 years of business and real life experience from most sectors, ranging from finance, pharma, automotive, sports, media, aviation, supply chain, fashion, hospitality, medicine and natural supplements. They are from Norway and Germany with both national and international experience. The founders own in total 84% of the shares of EcoSpera.

BA Woll

BA Woll


Robin Kamark

Robin Kamark


Stein Flaatrud

Stein Flaatrud


Erik Harstad

Erik Harstad


Dag R. Abrahamsen

Dag R. Abrahamsen


Birgit Ballhause

Birgit Ballhause


Matthias Neumann

Matthias Neumann


Bjørn Sagvolden

Bjørn Sagvolden


Trond Solstrand

Trond Solstrand


To be announced

To be announced


Meet Our SEALs

Founding a company can be often be a long, hard and lonely journey. Setting a new global tungsten benchmark demands a lot of support and raving fans. This unique group have showed support in different stages of our birth and first babysteps. Each of them have been awarded with 2% of the shares in EcoSpera. They are worthy to be our SEALs. 

Michele Sofisti

Michele Sofisti

Founding SEAL

Nadya Eva Cazan

Nadya Eva Cazan

Founding SEAL

Alexis Dondic

Alexis Dondic

Founding SEAL

Leesa Soulodre

Leesa Soulodre

Founding SEAL

Max Beck

Max Beck

Founding SEAL

Tor K. Schulstock

Tor K. Schulstock

Founding SEAL

Mark Chasan

Mark Chasan

Founding SEAL

Become a founding member

You personally or your business can become part of our journey through EcoAdvis and their 100% Together Cooperative. They are crowdfunding our projects through a unique venture cooperative business model.

We're on a mission to protect our shared globe

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The Genesis of a Green Revolution Launch Event

Step into the forefront of a green revolution as we launch "The Renaissance for Nature" in the heart of London. This exclusive event will set the stage for a transformative journey in sustainable investment, where visionary leaders and forward-thinking companies come together to plant the seeds of lasting environmental impact. Discover how your participation can drive a self-sustaining cycle of reforestation and carbon credit generation, empowering you to lead with purpose and pioneer the future of corporate sustainability.

Location - The Garden Museum, London, UK

Nov 1st @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Nature’s Financial Future: How Green Investments Are Shaping Tomorrow’s Economy

Explore the dynamic intersection of finance and sustainability at our Zurich event, where green investments are not just ethical choices but strategic imperatives for tomorrow's economy. Join industry experts and financial leaders to delve into the potential of reforestation projects and high-integrity carbon credits, supported by cutting-edge technology. This event offers an in-depth look at how investing in nature can yield substantial financial returns while fostering a sustainable future, positioning your company at the forefront of green finance.

Location - Grün Stadt Zurich, Switzerland

Nov 8th @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Leadership for a Living Planet: CEOs and Sustainability

In Amsterdam, a city known for its innovative spirit and sustainability leadership, we gather top executives to redefine corporate responsibility. "Leadership for a Living Planet" is designed for CEOs and industry leaders who are ready to champion transformative environmental strategies within their organizations. Engage with pioneering CEOs who have successfully integrated sustainability into their business models, and discover how you can drive both profit and purpose, shaping a legacy of environmental stewardship.

Location - Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam, Netherlands

Nov 22nd @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

The Art and Science of Environmental Credits: From Seed to Impact

Immerse yourself in the art and science of environmental impact in Copenhagen, one of the world’s most sustainable cities. This event will explore the cutting-edge technologies behind reforestation and carbon sequestration, from the latest advancements in AI and satellite monitoring to blockchain verification. Witness firsthand how the EcoSpera platform provides unparalleled transparency and traceability, allowing businesses to turn every tree planted into a measurable, credible step toward sustainability.

Location - The Botanical Garden, Copenhagen, Denmark

Nov 29th @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

The Legacy of Sustainability: Building a Future That Lasts

We are concluding "The Renaissance for Nature" journey in Frankfurt, Europe’s financial powerhouse, as we focus on creating a legacy of sustainability that endures. This closing event will celebrate the collective impact of our efforts, highlighting the long-term benefits of sustainable investments and the vital role of high-integrity carbon credits. Engage with thought leaders and innovators to craft strategies that will not only meet today’s environmental challenges but also build a future that lasts for generations to come.

Location - Natural History Museum, Frankfurt, Germany

Dec 6th @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

The Renaissance for Nature: Celebrating a Legacy of Impact

Join us for the grand finale of "The Renaissance for Nature" on the sun-kissed shores of Forte dei Marmi at the exclusive Alpemare venue in Tuscany, Italy. This prestigious gathering marks the culmination of our transformative journey, where visionary leaders, sustainability champions, and key decision-makers will come together to celebrate the lasting impact of our shared commitment to nature and the planet.

Location - AlpeMare, Forte dei Marmi, Italy

May 17th @ 18:00 - 23:30 CET

All events are paid events where 100% of the ticket price is put into seeds planted in the ground of our proof of concept projects. The related environmental credits can either be uses to reduce company emissions or personal emissions. The choice is yours!

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Christina Tell Designation

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Kelvin Martin Designation

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Nelson Kelly Designation

Heaven Is Right Here Hence Let Us Save It Today

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Tree of Life

🌿 Nourishing the Planet, Nurturing Hope In a world where environmental challenges loom large, we’re always on the lookout for nature’s wonders that can help us heal the planet and ourselves. In this quest,

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Unleashing the Titans of Positive Change, through Transparency and Tracability for High Quality Nature Based Environmental Credits!

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