An Epoch Reborn

As the world converged upon the crossroads of transformation, SPIT and EcoSeaNova unveiled a panorama—a tapestry where ocean farms swayed to life’s rhythm, where forests whispered secrets to the wind, and where circularity emerged as the bedrock of existence. The culmination of SPIT and EcoSeaNova’s pursuits wasn’t a mere culmination; it was the reimagining of an epoch—a symphony of revival, etched onto landscapes with the ink of unity.

SPIT was more than a token; it was a heartbeat—an echo of shared existence, a testament to the intertwined web binding humankind and nature as one. EcoSeaNova wasn’t just a notion; it was a covenant—a sacred promise to rekindle harmony and waltz in step with the rhythms of the Earth. Amidst starlit skies and rolling waves, SPIT and EcoSeaNova crafted an ode to renewal—a celebration of the union between technology and nature, a tribute to Spera—hope incarnate.

In this symphony, not only the narrative of humanity’s unity but also the tales of two noble souls resonated—Frieda, the spirited Mexican chihuahua, and Brio, the valiant Viking dog from northern Norway. Their footsteps were entwined with the footsteps of progress, their hearts beating in rhythm with the heartbeat of the Earth.

Now at 04:00 PM on October 4th, 2023, we softlaunch EcoSeaNova, ahead of the 1st EU Algae Awareness Summit at the Ocean House in Paris.

Tagged algaeaquaculturecarboncreditcirculareconomyecoseanovaimpactinvestmentIXOkelpnaturebasedsolutionsrethinkseaweedSperaDAOSperaImpactTokensustainability

Picture of Lora Helmin

Lora Helmin

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