Titan Founder


Defenders of Change
The Titan Membership is not for the faint of heart. It’s where the boldest dreamers, the most passionate changemakers, and the relentless doers come together to redefine the boundaries of impact. As a Titan, you’re not just part of a club; you’re part of an elite force driving monumental change. Inspired by the resilience of Greek mythology, our Titan Membership assembles a team of only 25 extraordinary individuals. These modern-day Titans carry the torch of impact and lead from the front.

25 in stock

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Impact Titans: Defenders of Change

In the grand tapestry of our world, there are heroes who walk among us, guided by an unshakable commitment to making a profound impact. They are the Impact Titans, a select group of 25 remarkable individuals, inspired by the grandeur of Greek mythology. 

Guardians of Earth: Just like the Titans of ancient lore, our Impact Titans are the guardians of our planet. They stand at the forefront, wielding their influence and resources to protect and nourish our Earth. 

A Seat on the Advisory Board: Each of our 25 Titans is honored with a coveted seat on the Spera Impact Advisory Board, a platform that shapes the very destiny of our sustainable initiatives. Here, they wield the power of insight, strategy, and wisdom, steering our course toward a future teeming with impact. 

Pioneers of Transformation: Our Titans are the architects of transformation. They don’t just envision change; they drive it. They catalyze ideas into action, transform dreams into tangible realities, and set the bar for impactful change. 

Wings of Collaboration:Just as the Titans of Greek mythology were known for their unity, our Impact Titans embody the spirit of collaboration. They unite across industries, borders, and boundaries, working in harmony to achieve our shared vision. 

Riding the Waves of Change: Titans thrive in the tumultuous waters of innovation. They understand that change is the only constant, and they embrace it, navigating challenges with grace and determination. 

Strength in Numbers: Our Titans are more than individuals; they are a collective force. Their combined strength is greater than the sum of its parts, enabling them to tackle global challenges with unparalleled vigor. 

Awards of Impact: Our Titans are not just recognized; they are celebrated. They receive the Spera Impact Award for their unwavering commitment to impact investing, a symbol of their dedication to forging a sustainable future. 

Guiding the New Renaissance: As we usher in a new renaissance of impact, our Titans illuminate the path forward. They are the visionaries, the architects, and the relentless advocates of a world where impact knows no bounds. The Impact Titans are more than just members; they are the embodiment of our audacious dreams. They are the embodiment of change, and together, they are rewriting the narrative of philanthropy.

Are you ready to become a part of the Titan’s Circle? Join the Spera Impact Club and become a catalyst for change.

Additional information


15.000 meters of algaerope

Mahogany trees

15.000 trees

Olive trees

5.000 trees

Moringa trees

15.000 trees

Membership points

50.000 points

CO2 captured per year

+ 2.000 tons per year


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