Proof of Concept #001 - Reforestration

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Mahogany and Moringa in Kenya and Uganda

€ 100.000.000 Goal
€ 5.001.850 Raised


Our very first proof of concept project is a 5.000 hectares reforestration project in Kenya and Uganda together with Trees4CO2 and their partner Better Globe Forestry Ltd. 

Our goal is to plant 2.000.000 mahogany and 4.000.000 moringa together with more than 2.000 small hold farmers.

The impact of this project through the EcoSpera platform and business model will result in almost 2 billion trees and 1,9 million hectares replanted, absorbing 1,6 billion tCO2e the next 30 years. These calculations are based on the current prices in the compliance carbon market.

As Chairman of Trees4CO2 AS, I am thrilled to announce our partnership with EcoSpera for an innovative climate project. Together, we aim to show that collaborative efforts can drive meaningful environmental impact. By combining reforestation and technological solutions, we are setting a new standard for climate action and empowering communities. Our commitment to fighting climate change is strong, and we look forward to demonstrating the potential of this project worldwide."


to be planted
0 hectares
Farmers will be engaged
+ 0
of min. project lenght
+ 0 years
trees to be planted
0 million
to be invested
0 million
in natural removal
+ 0 tCO2e

SDG's covered through this project

Social Co-benefits

Project Location

Project Timeline

Core Carbon Principles Detailed - (VCMI Guidelines)

Do you want more information? Please send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Core Carbon Principles

Coming Proof of Consept projects

High Volume Seaweed

We launch the funding of our second proof of concept project on September 16th 2024. The project will be developed together with Norway Naturals AS. The project has a € 25 million budget.

Regenerative farming

On September 26th 2024 we will launch our third proof of concept project and this time a regenerative farming project in Tuscany, Italy. This project will be developed by us and have a budget of € 15 million.

Mangrove reforestration

Our fourth proof of concept project is a 2.000 hectare mangrove reforestation project in Malaysia in cooperation with Worldview international Foundation. This project has a budget of close to € 10 million and will be launched on October 6th, 2024.

Become a Seed Sponsor

Our projects are funded with a mix of corporates sponsors, debt financing and crowdfunding through the 100% Together Cooperative.

As a Seed Sponsor your company get access to carbon credits at the highest quality, with the highest integrity, to the lowest price. It’s all about building capacity and to prevent future costs.

Join the 100% Together Coop

The 100% Together Cooperative is a membership based venture cooperative owned and run by EcoAdvis. They crowdfund projects on our platform and have a exclusive distribution agreement for both the B2B and B2C market globally.

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Spera (hope), Exploration, Adventure, and Legacy

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